Project Goals
The University of Idaho is one of the recipients of the Biodiesel Education Program grant and is dedicated to bringing unbiased technical and policy information about biodiesel. Our specific goals are:
- Expand web presence and serve as a one stop source for unbiased biodiesel information.
- Develop content, produce, and make available biodiesel education, awareness, and training videos.
- Promote biodiesel by participating, delivering presentations, and displaying at fairs, conferences, meetings and similar events.
- Provide educational biodiesel laboratory tours to students, those interested in biodiesel and the general public.
- Develop biodiesel information; including Technotes, brochures, and articles on biodiesel production, utilization, benefits and new developments; and make the information available to the public.
- Promote educational biodiesel curriculum materials developed previously for high school chemistry classes and 4-H.
- Meet with NBB and other biodiesel education programs to strengthen and expand the network for biodiesel information sharing.
- Communicate with biodiesel producers, distributors, and consumers to gather information to identify possible knowledge gaps.
- Assess the demand and, if needed, offer workshops for interested parties.