Biodiesel Education Logo

Biodiesel: Start to Finish

Hover over each square in the board game to learn about the biodiesel production process.

Test for soap! Water Wash Remove Glycerin Biodiesel! Transesterification! Use: Oil.... Move Up 1 Do you have the recipe? Acid number test to determine recipe Extra turn Necessary OilTreatment soybean orcanola orjatropha ormustard ormany more! Mechanical Crushing or Solvent Extraction Biodiesel Lab! Go forward three spaces Oil from Oilseeds Get it to the lab Animal Fats AdditionalProcessingNeededLose One Turn from RESTAURANTSor DELIS Extra turn Waste vegetableoil Biodiesel! START! COWSor PIGS Calculations Start to Finish Start to Finish ...and Alcohol... Move Up 1 ...and Catalyst Move Up 1 Acid NumberWater & SedimentCloud PointAlcohol ControlSulfur Oxidation StabilityCold Soak Filtration PhosphorusSulfated AshCalcium & MagnesiumSodium/PotassiumKinematic Viscosity Water Wash Testing! Move Up 2 FINISH! Copper Strip CorrosionCetaneCarbon ResidueDistillation Passed all Tests? No Engine Modifications Road Ready! Move Up 1 High FFA? Go Back 3 Spaces H H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C H H C O O H C Failed Glycerides? Go back to start H H H H H O H O H O H C C C